Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

COPY_MAT ( maxscript )

See and Download Click here

Free Maxscript "Scene Selector V 1.0"

utility scsel "Scene Selector V 1.0"
(--start utility
group "Detect all object By: " (
button selrenoff "Render Off" width:100
button selst "See-trough" width:100
button selbm "Display as box" width:100
button selwc "PICK wirecolor" width:100
button ab "?" width:20 )
on selrenoff pressed do
(try ( objx_rend_array = #()
for i in $* do ( if ( i.Renderable == off ) then append objx_rend_array i)
undo on select objx_rend_array
format "Select object Render Off. DONE!!\n") catch ())
on selst pressed do
(try ( objx_xrey_array = #()
for i in $* do ( if ( i.xray == on ) then append objx_xrey_array i)
undo on select objx_xrey_array
format "Select object See-trough. DONE!!\n") catch ())
on selbm pressed do
(try ( objx_box_array = #()
for i in $* do ( if ( i.boxmode == on ) then append objx_box_array i)
undo on select objx_box_array
format "Select object Display as box. DONE!!\n") catch ())
on selwc pressed do
(try ( obj = pickobject prompt:"Pick object master wirecolor!."
obj_wc_array = #()
for i in $* do (if ( i.wirecolor == obj.wirecolor ) then append obj_wc_array i)
undo on select obj_wc_array
format "Select similiar wirecolor. DONE!!\n") catch ())
on ab pressed do
Messagebox "Scene Selector V 1.0 by Budi Gunawan - Oct 2005
)--end utility

the script on top (Red note)...

Running 3D max..
paste the script to new maxscript dialog,
evaluate all or CTRL+E..., find tool script in utilities panel maxscript.

alternatif : save script by name "" into folder startup max..
This script will appear when running max , find tool script in utilities panel maxscript.

display "Scene Selector V 1.0" (test on max 7)

Push some button, this will automatic selecting objects on your scene by category : Render Off, See-trough, Display as box dan PICK wirecolor..

Have fun and Enjoy it.. !! :)

L-GhostV0.1 ( Beta ) - MaxScript

I have made L-Ghost V1.0 script for 3dsmax
This is Light Trick with Rendering, Quick enough for simple light and save ur time !!
Quick Sky Light array renderer base on rendering scanline

-- Copy this file to your \Scripts\Startup directory.
-- Restart MAX
-- Got to Utilities Panel> maxscript> L-Ghost V1.0

-- First if you want save your render animation, Setup setting on render max menu..
-- On this tools Setup any spiner or check button setting..
-- And then pressed button RENDER ... done!

Written by Budi Gunawan

Screnshoot UI

Render Default + 1 light

Render With L-Ghost + 1 light

Download : L-GhostV0.1.rar

My maxscript 2006

I've posted some tools in

BiP_Point 0.1

Brutal_killmat 0.1

KeyBip-Controller 1

FaceGrabO 1.0